
Coopers Lane PTA is a charity run by volunteer parents to raise money for the school. Can you help out or donate to support our work?

Our AGM will be held on Weds 29th January. Click here for details.

Click here for news about the Peace Garden project!

What We Do

We organise the annual Summer Fair
We hold fundraising sales
We run the raffles every Christmas

The PTA organises fundraising events and activities – including the Summer Fair, Christmas raffles and treat sales, and much more – to support the school.

Last year we raised an incredible £12,000 towards the new school library, and this year we’re working to revamp the peace garden.

We can’t do this without your support. To make a donation today and support the school please use the buttons below – thank you.

Over the past few years the PTA has funded lots of exciting projects. These have included:

An outdoor classroom with sail canopy
£12,000 raised for the new school library
Equipment for the playgrounds updated every year
Staging for school productions
Nine new Street Trees planted
Audio mixing desk

Join Us!

We are always looking for new volunteers to join and support the PTA. Every member of our school community is automatically a member of the PTA and we always need new and creative fundraising ideas to raise as much money as possible.

You can support the PTA in a number of ways including:

  • Attend our termly meetings, announced here and on Facebook
  • Come to our pre-loved uniform sales and other fundraising events during the year, or volunteer to help run them
  • Set up a regularly monthly donation
  • Donate whilst you shop online through Easy Fundraising or Amazon Smile
  • See if your employer offers ‘match funding’ or ‘match giving’ – schemes where they will match any funding you raise for the PTA
  • Send us your fundraising ideas!