Meetings Uniform Sales

Welcome Back!

We hope that you all had a lovely half term break and enjoyed some of the sunshine we had! We’ve been really busy over the half term break – more about that later!

AGM on Wednesday

This Wednesday, we are hosting our next meeting and it’s an important one – our AGM. This is where the Committee reports on what the charity has achieved this past year, then resigns – and we vote in a new committee to run the PTA until 2024. 

We need at least 12 members present at this meeting to meet our legal requirements as a charity, so please, please do come along if you can – we promised to keep it as brief as possible! If you can’t make it in person, we will be providing a way to participate virtually – please register here for that.

If you’re interested in joining the committee and helping us organise fundraising for the school, this is a great opportunity. We are specifically looking for a Secretary and a Deputy Chair. Please do let us know if you are interested in either of these roles and if you’d like to chat about it beforehand, please do drop us a line, we’d be happy to talk. 

We are delighted to be hosting our AGM at Il Porto, our new & local pizzeria run by a lovely Coopers Lane Family. Thank you to Baci for hosting us!  So, please do come along and support the PTA as well as enjoy a glass of wine or soft drink and a slice of pizza!

Uniform Shop Revamped and Reopened

The PTA were busy over the half term break and, with some help from our lovely volunteers, we have given our preloved uniform shop a makeover! You can see the results below.

It is now so much easier to find what you are looking for and to sort out donations much more quickly. The makeover has also given us a chance to see exactly what stock we have and what we need. We really need purple cardigans in all sizes as well as PE t-shirts in all colours and Coopers Lane backpacks.

We DON’T need any more donations of grey items or white polo shirts for the moment as we have loads! 

We have also sorted out all our lovely purple gingham dresses – so get your order in now for the summer term.

The shop will officially reopen on Weds 22 Feb @ 3pm and online orders are now also open.

Dates for your Diary

Quiz Night – 24th March

Our popular end of term annual quiz night for parents and staff will take place on Friday 24 March @ 7pm. Tickets are on sale from Monday 20th – so grab your friends & family, form a team of no more than 8 people and come along to one of our most popular fundraising events!

There will be pizza available to buy from Dough N Go (run by Reception parent Daniel), a limited bar and a raffle!!

Tickets cost £5 online or £6 on the door.

Easter treats sale – 30th March 

We will be hosting an end of term Easter Treats sale for all years on Thurs 30 March from 2.30pm. 

Stay Up to Date

Don’t miss out on the latest events, fundraisers, second-hand uniform sales and other news from the PTA – sign up to our occasional emails and we’ll keep you up to date.