Events Meetings

Notice of AGM

All parents, carers & staff are hereby invited to attend Coopers Lane PTA’s Annual General Meeting:

Wednesday 21st February 2024, 7.30pm for 7.45pm at Grove Park Library.

Online participation and voting will be available – please register here.

As per our constitution, we will be disbanding the current committee and re-electing all roles. The roles up for re-election are:

  • Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Trustees

If you are interested in potentially filling any of the above roles, and would like to discuss what’s involved, please drop the committee a line and we’ll be happy to chat:

Thank you, and we hope to see you there!

Meetings Updates

Spring 2024 Update

Welcome back!

We hope that you have had a restful festive break and are ready for the Spring term at our amazing school. We are looking forward to getting stuck into the biggest and most exciting project to date! More about that in a moment.

Last term, thanks to your support and generosity, we raised over £4,200! This is an incredible amount, particularly given the current climate, and we are so very grateful for your continued support. Your donations, no matter how big or small, have enabled us to purchase new laptops, class games & books, microphones and Forest School resources, items that the school’s limited budget could not cover.

So, your support really does make a difference to our kids day to day school experience – thank you.

Uniform, New T-Shirts and More

We plan to re-open our Pre-loved Uniform Shop on Monday 15th January at 3.15pm, and to be open at least once a week.

We can’t do this, though, without help from parent volunteers. Lending a hand at the shop is a great way to help the school community by committing to just one or two hours per month – the shop opens from 2.45pm to 3.45, one or two days each week.

Without volunteers, we can’t open. If you might be able to help, please check out our calendar and rota here.

New PE T-shirts now available!

As promised, we now have a limited stock of BRAND NEW Coopers Lane PE t-shirts in all sizes and colours. T-shirts will be available once the shop re-opens and will cost £6.50 each.

Varsity jackets – still available!

We still have Year 6 varsity jackets in stock, so if you would like a spare or haven’t had the chance to purchase one yet, please pop by the shop. Jackets cost £18, are available in three sizes, and we accept cash or card.

Our first meeting of 2024 will be our Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Please make a note in your diary: we will be hosting our first meeting of the year on Weds 21 February @ 7.30pm. We will be hosting the meeting at Grove Park Community Centre (previously known as Grove Park Library) and there will be drinks & snacks available.

As per our constitution, we will be disbanding the current committee and re-electing all roles. This meeting requires around 15 people present, and is vital to maintain our status as a charity so please do join us if you can.

The committee roles that will be re-elected are:

  • Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Trustees (x4)

Our current secretary will be stepping down, so we are particularly looking to fill this role as well as adding another 1 or 2 trustees, so we can ensure representation across the whole school community, especially from KS1 parents.

If might be interested in joining the committee and would like to discuss what’s involved, please drop us a line and we’ll be happy to chat –

Our Project for Spring: The Peace Garden

This year the school has asked us to help rebuild and refresh the Peace Garden (above). Created several years ago as a quiet space for pupils and staff to enjoy, this garden has become quite worn out and most of it needs significant refurbishment or replacement. The space is currently too dangerous to be used, which is such a shame.

This is a big project and as well as funding it will require a lot of time and effort from the school, the committee and our community. The project is likely to involve:

  • Removal of the current garden furniture – flower beds, woodchip area, and decking
  • Designing and planning a new garden space
  • Purchasing the required materials
  • Building and installing the new garden
  • Installing a new rainwater collection system and solar lightning

We are currently working on a project plan with school and the Green Team, which we will share shortly.

Can you help with any of the above? Are you, or do you know, a landscape or garden designer? Are you a builder or a carpenter? Do you run a garden shop or hardware store? Are you a whizz with plants and trees? Can you help us dig out and remove the old garden – most likely on a weekend – or build the new one?

It will take a big community effort to get this project completed – but the result should be a fantastic resource for the school. We are aiming to reopen the garden at the Summer Fair in June, so we only have a short period of time to get the project completed.

There’s more information here, or if you think you might be able to help in any way, please drop us a line here. Thank you!


Notice of Meeting: 13 July

Coopers Lane PTA will hold its last full meeting of the 2022-23 academic year on Thursday 13th July at 8.30pm. There will be three items on the agenda:

1) An update on our fundraising total for this year

2) To discuss some requests for funding received from the school this term, and

3) To thank everyone for all their efforts.

The meeting will be held online, and we will try to keep it all to less than one hour. Joining details will be added to this post, and shared with the PTA WhatsApp group and email, closer to the time.

Meetings Uniform Sales

Welcome Back!

We hope that you all had a lovely half term break and enjoyed some of the sunshine we had! We’ve been really busy over the half term break – more about that later!

AGM on Wednesday

This Wednesday, we are hosting our next meeting and it’s an important one – our AGM. This is where the Committee reports on what the charity has achieved this past year, then resigns – and we vote in a new committee to run the PTA until 2024. 

We need at least 12 members present at this meeting to meet our legal requirements as a charity, so please, please do come along if you can – we promised to keep it as brief as possible! If you can’t make it in person, we will be providing a way to participate virtually – please register here for that.

If you’re interested in joining the committee and helping us organise fundraising for the school, this is a great opportunity. We are specifically looking for a Secretary and a Deputy Chair. Please do let us know if you are interested in either of these roles and if you’d like to chat about it beforehand, please do drop us a line, we’d be happy to talk. 

We are delighted to be hosting our AGM at Il Porto, our new & local pizzeria run by a lovely Coopers Lane Family. Thank you to Baci for hosting us!  So, please do come along and support the PTA as well as enjoy a glass of wine or soft drink and a slice of pizza!

Uniform Shop Revamped and Reopened

The PTA were busy over the half term break and, with some help from our lovely volunteers, we have given our preloved uniform shop a makeover! You can see the results below.

It is now so much easier to find what you are looking for and to sort out donations much more quickly. The makeover has also given us a chance to see exactly what stock we have and what we need. We really need purple cardigans in all sizes as well as PE t-shirts in all colours and Coopers Lane backpacks.

We DON’T need any more donations of grey items or white polo shirts for the moment as we have loads! 

We have also sorted out all our lovely purple gingham dresses – so get your order in now for the summer term.

The shop will officially reopen on Weds 22 Feb @ 3pm and online orders are now also open.

Dates for your Diary

Quiz Night – 24th March

Our popular end of term annual quiz night for parents and staff will take place on Friday 24 March @ 7pm. Tickets are on sale from Monday 20th – so grab your friends & family, form a team of no more than 8 people and come along to one of our most popular fundraising events!

There will be pizza available to buy from Dough N Go (run by Reception parent Daniel), a limited bar and a raffle!!

Tickets cost £5 online or £6 on the door.

Easter treats sale – 30th March 

We will be hosting an end of term Easter Treats sale for all years on Thurs 30 March from 2.30pm. 


Notice of AGM

All parents, carers & staff are hereby invited to attend Coopers Lane PTA’s Annual General Meeting:

Wednesday 22nd February 2023, 7.45pm at Il Porto – the new pizza restaurant opposite Grove Park Station*.

Online participation and voting will be available – please register here.

As per our constitution, we will be disbanding the current committee and re-electing all roles. The roles up for re-election are:

  • Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Co-Treasurer
  • 2x Trustees

We are also hoping to appoint a new role of Deputy Chair, if possible.

If you are interested in potentially filling any of the above roles, and would like to discuss what’s involved, please drop the committee a line and we’ll be happy to chat:

* Il Porto is run by a Coopers Lane family, and they are very kindly supporting us in hosting this meeting – please come along and check out their pizza!


Meeting 29th September

Our first meeting of the year on Thursday 29th is an important one, as we’ll be discussing what the school has asked us to raise money for this year, and what we plan to do – so if you have an idea for an event or fundraiser, this is a great time to share it.

We’ll also be welcoming new members, so please do come along and meet everyone if you haven’t before. We’ll provide drinks and snacks and explain what the PTA does and how you can get involved.

We’re meeting just a few minutes from the school:

Thurs 29 Sept, 7.30pm
St Augustine’s Church Hall (Google Maps link here)

The hall has car parking, but please do use public transport if possible. If you have any access requirements, or if you cannot attend but would be interested in viewing a live stream or video of the event, please get in touch.

Meetings Updates

Welcome Back

How is it September again? Welcome back to school – we hope you had a restful summer break. We know there’s a lot going on, so here are a few key dates for your diary:

Welcome and Planning Meeting – 29th Sept

Our first meeting of the year is an important one, as we’ll be discussing our plans and fundraising goals for the new year. We’ll also be welcoming new members, so please do come along if you haven’t before – we’ll provide drinks and snacks and explain what the PTA does and how you can get involved.

Thurs 29 Sept, 7.30pm at St Augustine’s Church Hall (5min from school)

Pre-Loved Uniform Sales – Weekly

We have loads of pre-loved uniform – thanks for all your donations over the summer – and will be opening our shop regularly over the next few weeks – from 3pm to 3.30pm in the KS1 playground on:

Monday 12th Sept
Thursday 22nd Sept
Monday 26th Sept
Thursday 6th October
Monday 10th October ** HELP NEEDED! **
Thursday 20th October ** HELP NEEDED! **

We can only run the shop with the support of our volunteers. If you could help on one of the last two dates, please get in touch – thanks!

Bingo – 18th November

We’re planning to run our popular bingo night fundraiser on the evening of Friday 18th November, at school. More details TBC after our first meeting of the year.

Stay up to date!

The best way to keep up to date with our events, uniform sales and other news is our occasional email newsletter – if you haven’t already, you can sign up below.


Notice of AGM

All parents, carers & staff are hereby invited to attend Coopers Lane PTA’s Annual General Meeting:

Thursday 24th March, 8pm
The Crown Tavern, Burnt Ash Hill SE12 0AJ

As per our constitution, we will be disbanding the current committee and re-electing all roles. If you are interested in taking on any of the roles, please do let us know via email:

The roles up for re-election are:

  • Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Co-Treasurer
  • Events & Social Media/Comms Co-ordinator
  • Sports Co-Ordinator

We do hope that you can come along and support the PTA and school.

The Crown Tavern is just a few minutes from the school:

117 Burnt Ash Hill,
SE12 0AJ

Meetings Updates

Next Meeting 3rd Feb

The first PTA meeting of 2022 will take place on 3rd February at 7.30pm at the Crown Tavern on Burnt Ash Hill.

All parents, carers and staff are invited – please do come along, there is lots to discuss!