
A successful bingo night !

Preloved uniform shop

Our weekly preloved uniform shop run by our lovely volunteers !  Come along & pick up those winter uniform essentials including brand new year 6 varsity jackets and PE t-shirts of all colours.

Shop is located in KS1 playground.

Preloved uniform shop

Our weekly preloved uniform shop run by our lovely volunteers !  Come along & pick up those winter uniform essentials including brand new year 6 varsity jackets and PE t-shirts of all colours.

Shop is located in KS1 playground.

Preloved uniform shop

Our weekly preloved uniform shop run by our lovely volunteers !  Come along & pick up those winter uniform essentials including brand new year 6 varsity jackets and PE t-shirts of all colours.

Shop is located in KS1 playground.

Preloved uniform shop

Our weekly preloved uniform shop run by our lovely volunteers !  Come along & pick up those winter uniform essentials including brand new year 6 varsity jackets and PE t-shirts of all colours.

Shop is located in KS1 playground.

Preloved uniform shop

Our weekly preloved uniform shop run by our lovely volunteers !  Come along & pick up those winter uniform essentials including brand new year 6 varsity jackets and PE t-shirts of all colours.

Shop is located in KS1 playground.

Preloved uniform shop

Our weekly preloved uniform shop run by our lovely volunteers !  Come along & pick up those winter uniform essentials including brand new year 6 varsity jackets and PE t-shirts of all colours.

Shop is located in KS1 playground.

Christmas jumpers & treats after school sale

Treat yourself (and maybe the kids) to some sweet Christmas treats, a hot chocolate and pick up a preloved Christmas jumper. Inside the green gates from 3pm. Cash or card accepted.

Christmas Rainbow raffles

Our popular rainbow raffles are back ! We will be at every Christmas performance selling raffle tickets for a chance to win an amazing hamper. Tickets – £1 a strip. Cash or card accepted.

Non-uniform day

Wear your own clothes to school in exchange for a donation of a rainbow coloured food or household item that will be added to our hampers for the December Christmas shows.