
Summer Fair – 22 June

Save the date! We will be running our popular Summer Fair on Saturday 22nd June 2024.

Summer Fair 2023

It’s our biggest event of the year – join us at school from 12 – 4pm!


Summer Fair – 24th June

The Coopers Lane Summer Fair is a highlight of every year, with students, friends and family getting together to have a great time while also raising thousands of pounds to support the school. This year it’ll be taking place on Saturday 24th June.

Organising the fair takes months – and we’re already well underway, with new food vendors, fun and games for the kids and local businesses booked to attend. But there’s one more thing we need: your help.

The fair lasts for four hours, and with over a dozen stalls we need plenty of adults to help keep everything up and running. If we can get a good number of people signed up then we can share the work out in one hour slots – giving everyone plenty of time to enjoy the event as well.

If you can volunteer – either for one hour during the fair, or before, or after – that would be a huge help. Please register using the form below, and we will be in touch nearer the time to confirm a slot. Thank you!


Summer Fair 2022

Thank you so much to everyone who came along to our Summer Fair this year. We’re thrilled to say that it was our biggest and most successful fundraising event to date. At the end of a very busy day we had raised a total of £7133 for the school – a huge step towards our target for the year of £20,000.

Special thanks to all the volunteers who helped us prepare for, set up and run the fair on the day – whether it was making posters, fixing bikes, sending emails or running a stall for hours on a hot and busy Saturday. Your support is what makes this kind of event possible.